SETAC North American 43rd Annual Meeting

The SETAC North America annual meeting and conference is coming up the week of November 13th I’ll be co-chairing a session on Quantifying the Fate and Effects of Metals: Balancing Complexity with Practicality on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 from 10:00 AM – 12:40 PM and giving a poster on Wednesday my collaboration with U. Delaware and Imperial Oil on Simulating Enhanced Evaporative Flux Remediation of High Salinity Soils Using a Modified HYDRUS-PHREEQC-1D Model. Hope to see you there!

Paper in Polyhedron

Congrats to Magda, Timm and Tias on our paper being published in the journal Polyhedron. The paper details some of Magda’s work while a Masters student at Manhattan College. The link to the paper can be found here: link.