Linear Free Energy Relationships for Cobalt Complexes with Monocarboxylates. Carbonaro, R.F. Cobalt Institute. (2022-2023)
Revision of the Target Lipid Model and PetroTox Re-Validation. Fanelli, C.J., Torralba-Sanchez, T., Carbonaro, R.F.(2022-2023)
Enhanced Evaporative Flux to Remediate Brine-Contaminated Soil, Phase 2. Imhoff, P., Carbonaro, R.F., Allen, H.A., Di Toro, D.M. (2022-2025). Imperial.
Measuring and Predicting the Natural and Enhanced Rate and Capacity of Abiotic Reduction of Munition Constituents. Chiu, P.C., Carbonaro, R.F., Allen, H.A., Di Toro, D.M. SERDP ER-2617. (2016-2023)
NYC Department of Environmental Protection Town+Gown Croton Water Filtration Treatment Plant Study of Emerging Contaminants Removal. Carbonaro, R.F., Wilson, J.M. Collaboration with Hazen & Sawyer, Rosenfeldt, E. and Wright, B. (2020-2021). NYC DEP. $194,000.
Enhanced Evaporative Flux to Remediate Brine-Contaminated Soil. Imhoff, P., Carbonaro, R.F., Allen, H.A., Di Toro, D.M. (2018-2020). ExxonMobil. $50,000
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), “Predicting the Fate and Effects of Resuspended Metal Contaminated Sediments.” Farley, K.J., and Carbonaro, R.F. (co-PIs) (2010-2013), $281,000.
USEPA Targeted Watershed Implementation Grant, Saw Mill River. Subcontracted by the Saw Mill River Coalition. Carbonaro, R.F. (PI) (2008-2012), $196,000.
National Institute of Environmental and Health Sciences “Effect of Natural Organic Matter on Bioavailability and Mobilization of Metals. ” Farley, K.J., and Carbonaro, R.F. (co-PIs) (2009-2011), $148,000.
NYC DEP/Malcolm Pirnie.“ Contamination Warning System Demonstration Project: University Partnership” Carbonaro, R.F. and Sharp, R.R. (co-PIs) (2010-2011), $138,312.
New York City DEP, DEP-FP1 “Manganese Deposit Characterization and Treatment Study,” Carbonaro, R.F. and Sharp, R.R. (co-PIs) (2008-2010), $145,000.
National Institute of Environmental and Health Sciences, “Toxicity and Mobilization of Metals and Metal Mixtures in Sediments,” Farley, K.J., and Carbonaro, R.F. (co-PIs) (2006-2009), $387,644.
International Commission of Mining and Metals (ICMM), “Further Development of a Unit World Model for Critical Loadings of Metals in Aquatic Environments,” Farley, K.J. and Carbonaro, R.F. (2007-2008) $50,000.
New York State Water Resources Institute (with matching funds from Groundwork Yonkers). “Effect of urban runoff on seasonal and spatial trends in the water quality of the Saw Mill River.” Carbonaro, R.F. (2006-2007), $41,000.
International Commission of Mining and Metals (ICMM), “Developing a Unit World Model for Critical Loadings of Metals in Aquatic Environments,” Farley, K.J. and Carbonaro, R.F. (2004-2005) $40,000.
Cobalt Development Institute/HydroQual, Inc., “Cobalt Sulfide Laboratory Screening Study.” Carbonaro, R.F., and Mahony, J.D. (2004), $10,000.
Groundwork Yonkers, “Stormwater Monitoring of the Saw Mill River.” Carbonaro, R.F. (2004-2005), $5,400.
U.S. EPA, Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship, Transformations of Co(III) and Cr(III) Complexes in Heterogeneous Media, 2000. $102,000 (tuition and stipend).