Spring 2012 Classes

The start of the Spring 2012 semester is less than two weeks away!   The classes I’m teaching this semester are:

ENVG 736 – Advanced Unit Operations (graduate class)
The text book for this class is: Water Treatment: Principles and Design ISBN 978-0471110187. This is a great reference textbook for anyone in the water treatment field. This class meets Monday nights from 6:30 to 9:20.

CEEN 308 – Reliability Analysis.
The text book for this class is: Probability, Statistics, and Reliability for Engineers and Scientists, Third Edition ISBN 978-1439809518. My section of this class meets M, W, F from 10:10 to 11:05.

ENGS 204 – Environmental Engineering Principles.
The text book is: Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science (3rd Edition) ISBN:978-0131481930. My section of this class meets M, W, F from 11:15 to 12:20.