Professor of Chemical Engineering, Manhattan University
Rincón-Rodríguez, J.C.; Cárdenas-Hernández, P.; Di Toro, D.M.; Allen, H.A.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Chiu, P. “Comparative Evaluation of Mediated Electrochemical Reduction and Chemical Redox Titration for Quantifying the Electron Accepting Capacities of Soils and Redox-Active Soil Constituents.” Environmental Science & Technology. 2024 58(40), 17674-17684.
Cárdenas-Hernández, P.; Hickey, K.P..; Di Toro, D.M.; Allen, H.A.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Chiu, P. “A Linear Free Energy Relationship for Predicting the Rate Constants of Munition Compound Reduction by the Fe(II)-Hematite and Fe(II) Goethite Redox Couple.” Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57, 36, 13646-13657.
Hickey, K.P.; Cárdenas-Hernández, P.; Di Toro, D.M.; Allen, H.A.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Chiu, P. “Thermodynamic Two-Site Surface Reaction Model for Predicting Munition Constituent Reduction Kinetics with Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides.” Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57, 33, 12411-12420.
Murillo-Gelvez, J.; Hickey, K.P; Di Toro, D.M.; Allen, H.E.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Chiu, P.C. “Electron Transfer Energy and Hydrogen Atom Transfer Energy-based LFERs for Predicting the Rate Constants of Munitions Constituent Reduction by Hydroquinones”. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57, 13, 5284–5295.
Platt, K.L.; Di Toro, D.M.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Bugher, N.A.; Parkerton, T.F.; Eastcott, L.J.; Imhoff, P.T. “Ferrocyanide Enhanced Evaporative Flux to Remediate Soils Contaminated With Produced Water Brine.” Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 442, 130028.
Hickey, K.P.; Murillo-Gelvez, J.; Di Toro, D.M.; Allen, H.E.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Chiu, P.C. “Modeling the Reduction Kinetics of Munition Compounds by Humic Acids.” Environmental Science & Technology. 2022, 56, 8, 4926-4935.
Murillo Gelvez, J.; Di Toro, D.M.; Allen, H.A.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Chiu, P. “Reductive Transformation of 3-Nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) by Leonardite Humic Acid and AQDS.” Environmental Science & Technology. 2021, 55, 19, 12973–12983.
Cárdenas-Hernández, P.; Anderson, K.; Murillo Gelvez, J.; Di Toro, D.M.; Allen, H.A.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Chiu, P. “Reduction of 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) by the hematite aqueous Fe(II) redox couple.”Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, 12191-12201.
Hickey, K.P.; Di Toro, D.M.; Allen, H.E., Carbonaro, R.F; Chiu, P.C. “A Unified Linear Free Energy Relationship for Abiotic Reduction Rate of Nitroaromatics and Hydroquinones using Quantum Chemically Estimated Energies.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2020, 39(12), 2389-2395.
Di Toro, D.M.; Hickey, K.P.; Allen, H.E., Carbonaro, R.F; Chiu, P.C. “Hydrogen Atom Transfer Reaction Free Energy as a Predictor of Abiotic Nitroaromatic Reduction Rate Constants: A Comprehensive Analysis.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2020, 39, 1678-1684.
Murillo-Gelvez, J; Hickey, K.P.; Di Toro, D.M.; Allen, H.E., Carbonaro, R.F; Chiu, P.C. “Experimental validation of hydrogen atom transfer gibbs free energy as a predictor of nitroaromatic reduction rate constants.” Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53(10):5816-5827.
Huntsman, P.; Beaudoin, R.; Rader, K.J.; Carbonaro, R. F.; Burton, G. A.; Baken, S.; Garman, E.; Waeterschoot, H. “Method Development for Determining the Removal of Metals from the Water Column under Transformation/ Dissolution Conditions for Chronic Hazard Classification.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2019, 38(9): 2032-204.
Burton, G. A.; Hudson, M.; Huntsman, P.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Rader, K.J.; Waeterschoot, H.; Baken, S.; Garman, E. “Weight-Of-Evidence Approach For Assessing Removal Of Metals From The Water Column For Chronic Environmental Hazard Classification.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2019, 38(9): 1839-1849.
Rader, K.J.; Carbonaro, R.F; van Hullebusch, E.; Baken, S.; Delbeke, K. “The Fate of Copper Added to Surface Water: Field and Modeling Studies” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2019 38(7): 1386-1399.
Carbonaro, R.F.; Farley, K.J.; Delbeke, K.; Baken, S.; Arbildua, J.; Rodriguez, P.; Rader, K.J. “Modeling the Fate of Metal Concentrates in Surface Water.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2019, 38(6): 1256-1272.
Wilson, J.M., Farley, K.J. and Carbonaro, R.F. “Kinetics of FeII-polyaminocarboxylate oxidation by molecular oxygen.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2018, 225, 116-127.
Santos, M.A., Carbonaro, R.F.; Sharp, R.R. “Control strategies for the mitigation and removal of attached manganese biofilms.” Journal of Environmental Engineering 2018, 144 (1).
Carbonaro, R.F.; Stone, A.T. “Oxidation of CrIII Aminocarboxylate Complexes by Hydrous Manganese Oxide: Products and Time Course Behaviour.” Environmental Chemistry 2015, 12(1), 33-51. link
Whitehead, C.F.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Stone, A.T. “Adsorption of Benzoic Acid and Related Carboxylic Acids onto FeOOH(goethite): The Low Ionic Strength Regime.” Aquatic Geochemistry 2015, 21(2),
Carbonaro, R.F.; Mutch, R.D.; Changa-Moon, D.C.; Gupta, P.K.; Morris, J.J.; Nambiar, A.; Cordone, L.; O’Loughlin, J.M. “In Situ CO2 Sparging Part I: Neutralization of a Caustic Brine Plume and Reduction of Mercury Levels”. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste 2015, 19 (1)
Mutch, R.D.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Changa-Moon, D.C.; Gupta, P.K.; Morris, J.J.; Nambiar, A.; Cordone, L.; O’Loughlin, J.M. “In Situ CO2 Sparging Part II: Groundwater Mounding and Impacts on Aquifer Properties”. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 2015, 19 (1) C4014006.
Atalay, Y.B.; Di Toro, D.M.; Carbonaro, R.F. “Estimation of Stability Constants for Metal-Ligand Complexes Containing Neutral Nitrogen Donor Atoms with Applications to Natural Organic Matter.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2013, 122 (1),
Lindsay, D.R.; Farley, K.J.; Carbonaro, R.F. “Oxidation of CrIII to CrVI During Chlorination of Drinking Water.” Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2012 14(7),
Wilson, J.M.; Carbonaro, R.F. “Capillary Electrophoresis Study of Iron(II) and Iron(III) Polyaminocarboxylate Complex Speciation.” Environmental Chemistry 2011, 8(3), 295-303. link
Farley, K. J.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Fanelli, C.J.; Costanzo, R.; Rader, K.J.; Di Toro, D.M. “TICKET-UWM: A Coupled Kinetic, Equilibrium and Transport Screening Model for Metals in Lakes.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2011 30 (6), 1278-1287. link
Carbonaro, R.F.; Atalay, Y.; Di Toro, D.M. “Linear Free Energy Relationships for Metal-Ligand complexation: Bidentate Binding to Negatively-Charged Oxygen Donor Atoms.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2011 75 (9), 2499-2511. link
Atalay, Y.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Di Toro, D.M. “Distribution of Proton Disassociation Constants for Model Humic and Fulvic acid molecules.” Environmental Science & Technology 2009, 43 (10), 3626-3631. link
Mendola, M.; Paul, T.; Strathmann, T.J.; Carbonaro, R. F. “Investigation of the Aquation Kinetics of the 1:2 Complex between CrIII and Nitrilotriacetic Acid.” Polyhedron 2009, 28 (2), 269-278. link
Carbonaro, R.F.; Gray, B.N.; Whitehead, C.F.; Stone, A.T. “Interaction of Carboxylate-Containing Chelating Agents with Amorphous Chromium Hydroxide: Adsorption and Dissolution.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2008, 72 (13), 3241-3257. link
Naka, D.; Kim, D.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Strathmann, T.J. “Abiotic Reduction of Nitroaromatic Contaminants by Iron(II) Complexes with Organothiol Ligands.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2008, 27 (6), 1257-1266. link
Carbonaro, R.F.; Di Toro, D.M. Linear Free Energy Relationships for Metal-Ligand Complexation: Monodentate Binding to Negatively-Charged Oxygen Donor Atoms. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2007, 71 (16), 3958-3968. link
Rader, K.J.; Bisceglia, K.J.; Carbonaro, R.F.; Farley, K.J.; Mahony, J.D.; Di Toro, D.M. Iron(II)-catalyzed oxidation of Arsenic(III) in a sediment column. Environmental Science & Technology 2005, 39, 9217-9222. link
Carbonaro, R. F.; Mahony, J. D.; Walter, A.D.; Halper, E. B.; Di Toro, D. M. Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Metal Release from Metal-Spiked Sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2005, 24(12), 3007-3019.
Carbonaro, R. F.; Stone, A. T. Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis of Chromium(III) and Cobalt(III) (Amino)carboxylate Speciation. Analytical Chemistry 2005, 77, 155-164.